Friday, August 31, 2012

Organ Donor

Way back when.... Okay 6, almost 7 years ago. When I turned 15 and half I went and got my drivers permit and I checked the yes box asking if I wanted to be an organ donor. I just figured if the organs are healthy and I'm not using them let someone else have 'em. That being said if I'm alive and still kicking I want to keep my organs left right where they are... unless my mother needs a kidney or my dad needs a piece of my liver.

This story features the theft of organs.

No not that organ... this one!

Thank you.

Some of you may be thinking oh no  not this old tale. Some of you may be thinking this is a sad way to reboot. Either way I do not care, I believe this one is an oldie and a goodie... I still like you though.  While reading this keep Hannibal Lecter out of your head,  you know his deal was fried brains, fava beans, and a nice Chianti.

Once upon a time there was a young man at a bar  An unsuspecting young vacationer traveling alone  is sitting at a bar when a beautiful woman inquires about his company. They spend the night enjoying each other's company only to end up in the hotel room of the vacationer. The following morning the vacationer wakes up in a tub full of ice and a sore back. He pulls himself from the tub and makes his way over to the mirror to identify the source of his pain. He finds his skin stitched together. After he is taken to the hospital the doctors there reveal that one of his kidneys had been removed, not just that but it was done professionally.

With minor variations of this story has been told hundreds,  if not thousands of times over but sadly this one is true.

See it in a movie-- Turistas

I can't help but wonder two things about this story.

1. I there really any money to be made in organ donations [theft]?

2. Do they leave nice notes like this one?

By the way we should all be legal organ donors.
If you are then you get a gold star and a telepathic high five.
If not you get a hiss from the masses and a telepathic head slap.

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